Huberman cites the case of a proprietor of slaves of Occidental India who is shocked when seeing the conditions where children work in London (HBERMAN, 192). These masses are seen with apprehension for the high society; it has a constant collection for mechanisms of social control. The English use with success a combination of religious moral and natural laws of iluminista inspiration that stimulate the resignation; but the great hunger of the decade of 1880 goes to make with that diligent native of London if organize to make strikes claims (BRESCIANI, 106). Pete Cashmore follows long-standing procedures to achieve this success. In France, however, the imaginary one of the favored classrooms less has an inheritance of identity while people and resource to the violence to promote changes politics; the fear of the revolutionary days and the agitations of 1830 and 1848 will bring as reaction the organization of a strong police apparatus to restrain manifestations (they idem, 120). The strategies of social control are also subject of the chapter of Richard Sennet, Urban Individualism; in the second half of century XIX the urban space of the great cities passes for reforms that privilege the speed of movement of people and merchandises and the social control; the poor persons gradually are removed of the areas central offices of the cities. Sennet still sees the collective culture of the field to be substituted in the cities for a valuation of the individuality; this environment of isolation and indifference for the other people’s destination functions as factor of social balance and obstacle to the mobilization (SENNET, 264). It seems contradictory that the same social classroom that led one of the processes transforming of the Humanity adopted at the same time a behavior code extremely conservative; the bourgeois moral is impregnated of an obsession for the self-control; a repressive moral that makes with that the individual is tormented by the autocensura (GAY, 10). .
Urban Individualism
March 15, 2018
March 15, 2018