Web 3.0 – The Human Anthill ? November 9, 2014 January 12, 2015 Leah

Web 2.0 has already made significant changes in our everyday lives. Blogs, Wikipedia, video sharing sites, Web applications involve the Internet, more and more users, thus increasing their own efficiency. From the viewpoint of mathematics, Web 2.0 makes the Internet a dense graph where its vertices – all users, while up to Web 2.0 in the tops of standing to Internet resources. What's next? Story 'Where the galaxy begins' offers a science-fiction scenario of transition to Web 3.0 – the formation of a human anthill. The biochemical mechanism of communication in colonies of ants and other insects also gives a dense graph between all members of the colony, so way the community of social insects such as ants, wasps, bees and termites, may be to some extent, prototypes of the future social structure. The story is considered the possibility that the achievement of required level of density relations in the community can run fine evolutionary mechanisms that can develop in a person is still considered paranormal abilities and to realize these connections without the use of technical means. Thus, hypothetically, Web 3.0 could be the end not only computers but also the entire technological civilization.