Women Causes December 16, 2018 December 16, 2018 Leah

Many women operate in a State of anxiety from low grade that can erupt into episodes of panic attacks, phobias or anxiety disorders in the face of an increase in stress or biological changes such as menstruation, the birth of a child, or menopause. Over time, women who have chronic anxiety can come to think in constant anxiety as normal. The majority of patients with generalized anxiety are so accustomed to live with her, which do not mention it until asked, or until entering perimenopause and their anxiety symptoms worsen. Psychologists, ever saw the anxiety as a purely emotional problem. But more than 30 years of research show that anxiety has real, physiological, causes that should also be treated to obtain a lasting relief.

This is especially the case of anxiety associated with a hormonal imbalance a surprisingly common cause of anxiety in women of all ages. Other causes may include physiological imbalances adrenal, thyroid and digestive imbalance problems. This means that not just live with the constant anxiety or medicate their symptoms when you feel overwhelmed by them. Once you understand both the physiological causes as emotional from its anxiety, you will see that there are many things you can do to solve the problem. What is anxiety? Everyone experiences anxiety from time to time.

Our ability to feel fear is as an integrated alarm system that uses the entire weight of our mental and physical dexterity to support each time that we have the sense of danger. This acute fight or flight triggers a complex interaction between the mind and the body to deal with a perceived threat either real or imaginary. What is not natural (or sound) is to remain on perpetual alert emotionally and physically, when our lives are not at stake. Symptoms of chronic anxiety include a range of intensities and impacts, from a vague until the severely disabling background noise.